Apr 19Do you have the power of "no" when you train your dog?The power of "no" is what makes an anxious dog think before he acts. It is what will make him put you in the centre of his decision making p
Apr 12Your "softness" is not why your reactive dog keeps reacting! Their lack of confidence - or "softness" as some like to call it - is not the reason why their dogs keep reacting.
Feb 9Don't feel bad about being the 1%Most dogs are always ignoring their commands, pulling all over the place, sniffing obsessively, always finding everything in public more...
Jan 17Voluntary Eye Contact Dissected.Voluntary eye contact is not something we actively ask with a verbal command; it is something a dog offers us voluntarily on his/her own....
Dec 25, 2023What to do with dogs and visitors during Christmas and other holidays?During holiday seasons, when you have friends and family bringing their dogs over, the following system is what l recommend and use...
Dec 10, 2023Bring a newborn baby home to an aggressive dog.What do I recommend when bringing a newborn baby home to a dog with a bite history? I have never seen smelling the baby’s blanket or...